Electrostatic Fogging
Pro Clean Janitorial offers an economical, preventive electrostatic fogging service for any facility. Employees, customers, and visitors must have confidence that a facility truly cares about safety and that they can conduct work or business in a safe environment. Our technicians post notices of treatment at the facility, which boosts the confidence of employees and customers. Pro Clean fogging services are safe and non-toxic to humans and pets; facilities are ready for occupation within ten minutes of treatment.
Pro Clean can provide COVID-19 heavy fogging treatments and cleaning where a known exposure has occurred.
We fog all areas where hands touch or germs/viruses can be transferred and provide services to a variety of facilities and equipment, including offices and public areas, service counter areas, churches, daycare facilities, cafeterias, kitchens, and break rooms; gyms and exercise equipment, vending machines, restrooms, and classrooms. We treat other equipment such as forklifts and hand-operated machinery.
We offer daily or weekly fogging services seven days a week.
Pro Clean electrostatic fogging service neutralizes on contact:
- Coronavirus MHV-3 (COVID-19)
- Staph
- Influenza A Virus (H1N1)
- Measles Virus
- Seasonal Flu Virus
- Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV)
- Pseudomonas Aeruginosa
- Listeria Monocytogenes
- E.coli
- Aspergillus Niger
- Candida Albicans
- Enterococcus Hirae
- Canine Parvovirus
- Salmonella Typhimurium
Pro Clean has served the region for over 30 years. We are licensed and insured.
Call or email today to schedule service. We’re here for you.